Cleveland HRT Clinic2024-07-30T14:07:10-04:00

CLD Concierge Medicine

Cleveland HRT Clinic

CLD MD Women's Health

There is a need for care for women in mid-life specific to perimenopause and menopause.

So many of the symptoms women experience in mid-life are under-recognized as being due to perimenopause & menopause which means they aren’t appropriately treated.

  • Dr. Lantz has been trained to determine which of the symptoms you may be experiencing are due to perimenopause/menopause and how to prescribe safe, FDA-approved, effective options for hormone-replacement therapy to provide relief.
  • Hormone therapy is NOT dangerous, as was thought in the early 2000s.
  • Though the safety and effectiveness of HRT is now better known, there is still an absence of physicians who have the knowledge to safely and effectively prescribe HRT.
  • Dr. Lantz provides HRT-only expert consultations with HRT prescribing when indicated for women outside of her concierge primary care program with fixed pricing for initial and follow up visits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Dr. Lantz see women of all ages?2024-07-30T13:35:09-04:00


Does Dr. Lantz prescribe hormone therapy?2024-07-30T13:34:51-04:00

Yes. Dr. Lantz prescribes only FDA-approved, safety-proven hormone therapy options including pills, sprays, gels, creams and patches. Seeing Dr. Lantz means avoiding the risks of the rising industry of compounded, non-FDA approved HRT, which are rising in popularity due to lack of physician comfort in prescribing FDA approved HRT.

Does Dr. Lantz take insurance?2024-07-30T13:34:28-04:00

We do not. We believe that by eliminating the middle man we provide better care directly to you. You may still use insurance for any referrals, labs or other tests and at the pharmacy for all medications prescribed.

Can I pay with an HSA or FSA?2024-07-30T13:34:03-04:00

Yes, but we suggest you confirm with your plan prior to your visit.

Does Dr. Lantz offer Telehealth Appointments?2024-07-30T13:15:11-04:00

Yes, telemedicine or office visits are decided upon your needs and preferences.

How often will I need to be seen?2024-07-30T13:14:42-04:00

Patients are generally seen 2-3 times in the first 6 months of treatment, and 1-2 times per year thereafter. Dr. Lantz always answers quick questions in between visits at no charge.

What if I am already a member of Dr. Lantz’s concierge medical practice? What if I want to become one?2024-07-30T13:14:16-04:00

Members of Dr. Lantz’s practice have all HRT visits included in membership. Non-members who see Dr. Lantz for HRT visits can switch to membership at any time, so long as the practice is not currently on a waitlist, in which case they can be added to the waitlist.

What is the cost for an expert HRT consultation?

Initial Consultation

  • 90 minutes+
  • Discussing symptoms
  • Determining candidacy for starting HRT
  • Discussing options for an initial medication plan and prescribing

Follow Up Visits

  • 30-60 minutes
  • Discussing symptom control
  • Discussing need for adjustment in medications and providing refills on medications

How can I schedule a visit with Dr. Lantz?

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